Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The house that won't go away.

Holy guacamole!!!

When you have two young children living in your house, this is what you say instead of: Holy fucking fuck fuck!!!! Oh, wait… I'm blogging and Tate can't read very well yet… so let me amend…

Holy fucking fuck fuck!!!!!

It's Tuesday night and the house still stands.

Monday morning we were prepared for the start of tear-down, called the demo company and waited a half hour for a call back. We were told that they were finishing up another job and would deliver the equipment later in the day and then get started. So I drove Tate to school and Dave headed off to work. Early afternoon brought about the latest in screw-ups by the demo company. The bond… dun dun dun dunnnnnnn…..

They screwed it up. Are you surprised? I wasn't.

Where they were supposed to list the Town of Barrington, they listed Dave's employer. Yup. Dave's employer. I'm not really sure what a bond exactly is — some type of insurance that the job will be done and done right. Right? But, I do know that it is official and serious. No work could be done without the issue of a new, corrected bond and then a new demolition permit.

Today at noon, that new demolition permit was issued. But tomorrow we are getting snow. Supposedly, a lot of it. Knowing what the forecast was, the demo company called off any work for today — the smartest thing they've done yet. The lot is super small and their equipment and trucks are super big. A snow storm usually brings with it a parking ban and so their trucks, that would need to be on the street, would have no place to sleep tonight with a parking ban in order.

The new "plan" — I use that term loosely — is the arrival of equipment and trucks on Thursday, to be directly followed by house crunching. Friday will be the day to clear the debris, with the tree guys coming back to the site early next week to take out the monster pine.

Meanwhile, the champagne in the refrigerator is feeling neglected and abandoned. I hope to make it feel loved and wanted very soon.

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