Rhode Island is a very small state. Everyone is linked to everyone else by a friend, a family member, the mailman or the guy who slices cheese at the supermarket deli counter. There is a guarantee that your massage therapist will tell you you have to meet Robin who just moved to Barrington because "you two would really hit it off", only to meet this Robin just a few weeks later at your neighbor Laura's holiday party. {True story. And we really did "hit it off." She's very cool.}
There is also a guarantee that at your uncle's funeral, you will talk to your cousin about your demolition project and all the trouble you've been having and have him ask who you are using, then hang his head down, shake it profusely and say, "No. No. Noooooo. Not them. Please tell me your not using them?!?!"
When we were looking at demolition contractors Dave called some well-respected general contractors he works with very regularly. We were given some names, called them all and got bids. The biggest company we called came in with the lowest bid that was also a fixed bid - the other candidates were only a bit higher in their pricing, but couldn't guarantee dumpster costs and said "well, it'll probably cost this much for dumpsters, but it could be higher." It made sense to use the big guys who were cheaper and came highly recommended by a great general contractor who had used them to demolish a large, waterfront home here in town several years back.
So we hired them, inspections went smoothly and then we hit the permitting process and everything began to fall apart. Problems here. Problems there. Problems, problems everywhere. I began to wonder how we could have been recommended a company this bad, by someone we know and trust. It didn't make any sense. Was this just our job? Everything that could possibly go wrong just would?
I know your saying right now, "But they came and knocked-down the house. What's the problem?" Well, they came Tuesday around 10:30am and then left at 12pm. So they worked for 1.5 hours. In that time 95% of the house was knocked down, which is good. But then they left that heap of twisted metal, splintered boards and broken glass to sit overnight. After only working for 1.5 hours. Did I mention that… 1.5 hours! Then the guy Dave deals with over there had the nerve to call and ask for another 1/3 of the fee. Nope. Sorry. No more money for you until the giant dangerous pile of rubble is gone. He and Dave fought a bit about this on the phone yesterday morning before we left for the funeral.

{Site at 12pm on Tuesday}
So, there is my cousin James shaking his head in total disbelief that we've hired this company and now Dave and I are starting to sweat a little in our fancy clothes as to why he is having such a strong reaction. It turns out that my cousin and his ex-wife, Gina, are friends with the guy who owns the demo company. He and Gina grew up together in the same neighborhood and we got the backstory: the company was owned by the father, who died just a couple of years ago, and the son (who is friends with my cousin) took over the company. This finally all makes sense to me now. When the job was done for the guy who recommended them to us, the demo company was being run by the dad. It is now being run by the son and obviously they have very different working styles, which is well-known among his friends.
James then told us, "Call him and tell him your my cousin. Things will be very different. You'll see. Totally different. Make sure you call him and tell him. Do it!!" Now, my cousin is a big guy. He tells you to do something, you do it. Gina also said that she would call him directly and if things still weren't OK, she'd call his mother for us!! She then rattled off his mother's phone number which she knows by heart, and laughingly told us we should call her too. She'd "slap her son upside his head" if she knew what was going on.
Wouldn't that be great… his mom comes by a job site and starts yelling at him for a crappy job he's doing for clients in Barrington and when he asks how she knows this, she's says we called her house and ratted him out!!! Oh… but that would be fun.
Dave did indeed make the phone call yesterday and upon hearing who we were related to, the tone changed immediately… suddenly we would be getting more trucks at our site to make sure we were done before the snow tomorrow and he would look at the bill to see if he could "shave a bit off."
Well… there are no extra trucks today. Still just the one. We were promised that it would all be done today, that did not happen. However, there was great progress made today. All of the house, garage, decks and animal pens are gone. Completely gone. Hauled off to the Johnston Landfill. Still sitting on the lot are some trees and the two sheds in the back. The workers have gone for the day, but they left the big machine and a half-filled dumpster. Both excellent signs that they won't be gone too long. One good thing that has come out of having an "in" with the demo company is there is no more mention of paying them another 1/3 of the fee right now. So there's that.
{Site at end of day Thursday}
I've decided to run all our potential contractors past my cousin James to see if he or his ex-wife or his mailman or the guy who slices cheese at his local supermarket know anything about them. This is Rhode Island after all.